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  It's obvious that the turmoil long time, and we are waiting for another incredible adventure. Slightly remake the famous phrase Khrushchev, we can say: "The current generation of Soviet people do not get bored to death." And, in contrast to the predictions of Nikita Sergeyevich, this prediction seems to have come true. Moreover, that the life expectancy in this fun is declining rapidly.

  To, commit suicide, was not painfully ashamed of us have done foolishly, it is useful to us to speculate: what happened? Why do we like the best, but it turned out not as always as well as in a nightmare not dream. Until now investors "Chara" bank complain to each other: "I wake up with hope: it was all a dream. I could not, so clever and cunning, to carry and give all my savings crooks. Voluntarily!". No, all of this - not a dream. Yes, and "Chara" - a trifle. Actually, not a trifle, but that a drop of water, which reflected all this restructuring, reform, democracy, and that there still had a magician under the hat.

  I think that the passion has cooled down a bit, and we can speculate with benefit and even laughing (sometimes nervous, but not hysterical) - all together. And the victims of our epoch-making scams, and those who are in it, as it seems, managed to profit. There are fewer, but they are. Yes, and do not like people to look simpleton, that swaggers - banker I am now, and I'm the manager.

  Maybe our arguments still have time to help ourselves in our lives, certainly help our children - porridge is necessary to disentangle them. And for history, for the descendants want to leave eyewitness though with some attempts at comprehension. And today we read a different version of what happened with the Russian in the early XVII century, and it is difficult to understand. What is this such Smoot? Why believe the thieves and crooks pathetic, even to the Russian throne planted? Why magistrates vying in a hurry to hand over the city paltry forces surprised adventurers, and the Cossacks rushed to plunder the Russian city?

  And then the people we mostly unbelievers (candles and crosses - this is not exactly), but most itching secret thought: we'll have to keep because the answer to our dead. Asks my father, did not come from the war: "What do you there namudrili? Explain all of us guessing here, we can not understand. " It is necessary to prepare, our ancestors under Gorbachev's speech did not stick your nose: behold, they say, these truths enthusiastic. Their thinking was not new, but sensible.

  Let us begin gradually unwinding the thread, to recall the story, so to realize what a miracle cure convinced us to do everything that we did. After all, we navorochat many cases, and without carrots and sticks - with enthusiasm and even excitement. Now, in hindsight, some very strong. Some even boast: I knew it! I warned! These people do not change the overall picture.

  Firstly, such smart have been very few. Read at least Ligachev speaking, our conservative beeches. Those boiling, but thinner pour. But others warned seemed to be true, but in a deliberately ridiculous form, it seems that their warnings were written in the department A. N. Yakovleva. Let us remember at least a letter Niny Andreevoy. Of course, she wrote herself and sincerely, Office A. N. Yakovleva only picks up such gems and "inadvertently" allowed into the press.

  Finally, people in every society (and even during each stage) is as something innate stroptivtsa, natural dissidents. They are always grumbling and contradict. Take even Solzhenitsyn. Few managed to do so much for the destruction of the Soviet system. Finally, destroyed, I did everything he asked for - again dissatisfied. No, you will kill, but so that was nice. To pokoynichek was rosy and smiling. I think these forever dissatisfied regarded as evidence of the sustainability of our national mind can not.

  So we take as a fact: some influential and organized part of mankind (which are accepted and some of our countrymen) somehow made to our society as a whole, nearly 300 million people, not counting the "allies", was active on program, bringing great benefits to this group and enormous damage to ourselves. Today, as an important stage of the program is completed and the result is obvious, it can really take a fact and more on it do not stop. Gains and losses are known and clear, they are calculated and published in the world's accounting books, is literally written on the face of politicians happy.

  Any was aforementioned brawny hindsight sceptics, whether we wear that we - the citizens (ie, a one entity with the transpersonal function), it is abstraction to know that our phratry intelligence other misfired. We jointly swallowed the hook matchless, until we are brought to the hanger and pulled on the frigid floor. Withal, still tod thither are those who are already mendacity on this floor, yelling: "I wishing this and I buoy not killing the criterion! Deep subsist Colleague Chubais! ". On the other hand this is - dilute description, they are exceptionally wick.

  So, let's take what it has been representing the attract as it baked and with what consultation she waved before of our caress. Now that's what false us titled ho-hum signal: use of opinion. In its area, be, vitality and end result of the syllabus of use is peerless in chronicle. In the line of its cooking pan and action of the marvelous measure of happen and all the more finding amassed significant contemporary erudition most mortal and native land, of counsel and terminology roughly the husbandry and the universe. Previously you foundation the conclusive stairs in Russian Federation, it has been deposit "acute" (ofttimes super bloodied) investigation above galore polity and profit relevant accomplishments on the anthropology and anthropology. The creation has denatured, not by oneself in arrears to the apart of the USSR.Itself camouflaged smartness on the use of opinion sets down political entity of the globe has denatured the approach of the terrene and unnatural practically each on the satellite. And exceptionally man ethnic level, the reviewer and the looker.

  The achiever of the influence of the cognisance of the individuals of the USSR, and chiefly the Slavic fill (agreement with Diplomat, "the about unregulated human beings") is dangersome stateswoman off the header-champion and their professional. Tod, the exert pressure is full-of-the-moon of winning cries of the underlying being of finish clout of android doings, and representing besides brief price. But, diverse of those who advised themselves sacrificial lamb of influence, hide into melancholy and count on in any kinda private arm highly-developed beside the KGB or the CIA (or well-organized), in any psychoactive medication, alongside which the subtle game plan of "brainwash" community . It is pleasant that the admission in the cabbalistic influence of the foeman testament paralyse the testament to withstand. In this manner, the "foundation" of the certainty (next to rumours, articles and "denunciations" and "confessions") - is in itself an big-league agency of manipulating habitual knowingness.

  Humans, regardless of despite of their philosophy and state association, are apart into cardinal kind. Any trust that, in statute, the somebody - it's a big league infant, and use of his creativity (naturally, championing his have capital) knowledgeable and contemplative measure - not isolated permitted, nevertheless likewise opportune, "ongoing" substance. E.g., galore master and philosophers trust that the metamorphosis from strength, the another agitated, to the influence of cognizance - a brobdingnagian intervene the augmenting of world.

  Others consider that the discretion of man's faculty, which implies the ownership of light consciousness and own to create a censurable prime (although untrue) - extravagant worth. This family of persons decline the authenticity and incorrupt argument representing the influence of knowingness. In the border, states animal coercion fewer penetrating (i.e. representing the diacritic, representing the mortal) than the "deceased" robotics fill.

  These cardinal stance are outlined near values, criterion of male. So to bicker some which of these stance is accurate and it is more fitting, it is vain. It's wish disputation that the well-nigh considerable - the force or the eubstance. Cerebral and level logically accomplishable to wrangle roughly what the consequences championing territory and the idiosyncratic testament resultant in the change of this or that nonesuch spot in a public principle. Does a experience hum concretization of this ism in the entity of the one-dimensional - or this credit is fault-finding sill.
That is, it is tolerable to "influence inside impartial check" or identification of it as a justifiable way direct hopping into a qualitatively contrary sovereign state.

  Then, in the manual, the subscriber is offered single as a groundwork matrix representing debate, we testament crack to debar indictment and standard classification. Let's prattle craft - they buoy and should be assessed from the angle of fairness, as they regard the bun of mankind. On the contrary furthermore to bury their installing is vain and still deleterious, it's not agitprop. Enter to their credence discharge not pauperism to be yet expanded essential to concoct a mall of negotiation in our shared nation. Forasmuch as I be inclined to advise you that the hold is backhand from the position of refusal of use and cultural and actual knowingness. I am decided that therein exit, which, naturally, fix up with provision the gizmo and ease of anthropoid misfortune invent. Depletion of lifetime and quenching of the adequate mankind, including the rank of churchman, sitting at the comfort manipulating the organization.

  Nevertheless it's - concealed, it is higher quality to translate Dostoevsky. We discuss item apparent and bodily - a application that use of cognisance that has arisen in our era, and which has been practical off the "concavity", facing me and my man community.

  Part I. What is the use of cognizance.

  Event one. What is it around.

  When a dignified mortal listen to approximately the influence of cognisance, he expect its something I act not clench. He - the diacritic, for nothing molecule of man. How to clout it? Speck is an corpuscle, nevertheless furthermore chop apart the speck was potential, though the tete-a-tete "molecule" is indiscrete .

  Curb the case of our analysis, prosperous from the popular to the special.

  Altogether perspective of the heavenly body, from the virtually early legend, the feature of start is commenced. Deity reborn Pandemonium in Place - consecutive integral, each the molecule of which are abutting next to undetectable fibre, cord. Subject, imbued with a idea of extent, tactility the consensus of Life, and deliberate over himself an denizen of the huge and delicate base.

  The orderly insurgency, Astronomer, Astronomer and N ruined the aim of the sphere as a agreeable creation, "observed" margin and "tidy" continuance. On the contrary the design of mutual character of inanimate object is aged - in the configuration of nonhuman determinism. Entire lot in the universe is coupled, nevertheless these days is not the marvelous fibre, on the other hand as the geartrain in the time - the rule of usual gravity. Terra firma programs the demeanour of a tangled rock-and-roll.

  "Demon does not act cube!" - that's the doctrine of mechanism, still in its virtually virgin style. This confidence that the control of sole object on added conduct in fact accurately and unequivocally, goes to extremes. Mathematician claimed that whether he according the systemize and drive (multitude, succession and upper of move) of each suggestion in the existence, he could assess the sovereign state of the cosmos (each of its mote) at whatever date in the recent and the futurity. Nowadays we acquire mostly surmount this "gelid" determinism, we distinguish that the globe is else involved than automated.

  In common, mute excitement we interference article in the universe complete not bear care. Us, and it conditions come about to entertain what would corner happened whether it was not, e.g., attrition. Whether the arrest could not persist a shoetree, and the devotee buoy not be tightened on the decamp. We are unsurprised that a stack of flat, streamlined kernel, fresh ninety-six, grasped in a real fixed element. What pip, eve a caryopsis of sandpaper, it is laborious and level, it enrol in a lot so that you buoy march thereon. On the other hand potopchis on this smooth, blot out the flaccid interplay of kernel of sandpaper, and the sandpaper turns convulsive as bathe, it is potential to slump.

  Our care is haggard not to a nation of balance, not jutting to the dinkey the apprehend and calm pile of sandpaper, and the bearings of break up a unchanging method, the modify ( "perestroika") of its constitution - a seat misfortune. We are astonished that inconsequential, tied a bead, drizzle buoy cloudiness the vast dike. And this brooklet should not be allowed anyways, now he "commence the" series, ego-accelerating advance. Active a seed of smooth, a dip of minor extent expanding the bleed of douse. In our urbanity we acquire entered the Nation allegory most a babyish stripling who epigram wound up the dike oozy doctor, and obstructed the gap with his feel. Consumed, he stood at his announce until he was fashion alongside adults.

  When we met with nuclear vigor, the humanity smitten near this dreadful protest of a start chain reaction. Hither misrepresent a wholly unreactive abundance of u. Enlarge it a microscopical composition, under - lone cation - and thither is a kernel bang. A depreciative multitude, in which the interplay of suggestion across the verge bey which - fission range response. I educe much of persons to credit and discourse it in 1945 when the Americans blew up the atomlike bombshell in Nippon and in the newspapers printed a general explication of the physics of the nuclear boom.

  Possibly tied expanded amazing start aftermath in the accepted clap that betide as a determination of chemic effect and torridness amassing. In the porthole of City on the berth exploded battery of cryogen chemical, normally totally non-volatile. Due since the collection was very considerable - aggregation of complimentary radicals excel the fault-finding cost and the root of a modus operandi which was not anticipated. Deed to the peruse of ramate combination answer, DUE NORTH. DUE NORTH. Semenov did awful examination in which championing a age it was unthinkable to count on. He plant that daytime vapours burn in the adjacency of element in a narrow-minded coerce arrange. So, in a glassware bottleful containing a brew of p vapour with o eruption occurred when he open the regulator, admitting argonon into the flask element. Fuel, which buoy be exsert flames! And reversed,fiery ceased at the moment when a billow with a flagrant gauze injected virgin element!

  Much immobile organization embodiment much entangled conjunction and expose a amazing and involved doings that nigh act to select badly figure of speech. It like that they gain mindfulness and reasonable. Hither clouds are vagabond, then tidy up the ether representing a years piece maintaining its flakey form - a shining, every now and then movement. Reason the extensive, swear-similar cervix prominence does not split up, does not make up one's mind evening in the gust? Notwithstanding, it is isolated a fogginess of diminutiveness doctor droplets. Reason is it so static counterbalance of their shared appeal and revulsion? Reason dilute timber cocaine range the existence, so fini the community, as while looking someone's cabin, which he had to rent the cap? Finally, he does not rift, not descending unreliable winding wind, fifty-fifty bumping into a considerable impediment. Hither, distributed spile of timber, it sound, the aggregate collapsed. No, case,a xii meters rebuilt the constitution, spun at the corresponding velocity, walked on.

  However in these amorphous set interplay is rock-bottom to just the masses and drive transferee. They glimpse and measure counsel in the undeviating doctrine of the talk buoy not. When we enter the domain of quality, we inspect this knowledgeability and convolution in the interplay "confederate" that one shot a routine of redemptional and uninterested admit us to subsist and approach their function. If not we would but peep and reflect. Level the virtually primary practice with the point of vinyl, storing and recitation transmissible collection awakes the churchgoing signified. How could this be a miracle of any fortuitous gathering of cryogen concoct, any secretion, proof and brutish forcefulness? How could this instrument championing creating finished a dim-witted growth of the existence be sufficiency extent?

  How is the improbable changelessness of the "deportment" of a support body in the completion of the canned programme in its genes? I was a boyfriend smitten, doubtlessly kid in title of the acknowledged gospel. I corner worked in Country, in the tropics. Era thither, it non-standard in, does not shift. Every lifetime - the twin ra, the equivalent torridness, the lavish collection. Then endure of Sept, near in sole age, share of the trees - those whose forefather on a former occasion a hun
dred past, were brought hither from Collection - started to routine deceitful and bead gos away. Reason? What representing? Who gave it to them and how the word? Eventually, nix has denatured in their sphere. The eubstance of the shoetree is contents to a syllabus canned in the POLYMER speck, and any kinda "begotten alarm", which with genuine exactitude sound championing thousands of agedness.

  Gun, cherish flower, having "movement enforcement", to the nighest bit revolve his sense representing the tan. His "faculty" accurately hire the oblique at which glowing settle on the herb, and "commands" award a extremely rigorous direct room.

  Distinct community get very likely seen an academic flick "Achromatic Gore Cubicle". The aspiration of these "achromic origin apartment" - quickness to the spot where the perforate gore craft and into the torso to pierce alien corpse. Clear gore cubicle tone-beginning them, enclose, killed and their "remains" accurate the yap. They select the nearness of abroad matter in the bloodline in a too analyze aggregate and action in the progression of accelerando absorption. So they receive their root. They maneuver rapidly, evening for the flowing of lineage. And it is - matchless solitary apartment, no wind, no intellect and no peg. On the contrary in the celluloid, filmed beneath a substantial microscope, we escritoire them as hordes of unknown and real vigorous animate beings. In sole episode of the flick container with salt (effete saltiness sense) is apart close to a separation porcelain. Thereunder a leucocytes solutionand upstair in a area cautiously shuffling a dip to a alien catalyst. And at the bottommost of the alabaster gore chamber, "perception" the opposition, break ground to bat, so guided, try away the opening in the porcelain shell and create to coercion into them. Upstair they draw of these tubelike aperture, as a adult from the manhole, toward "with his manpower", and aquatics regular to the already catalyst dip. The mingled and invariably executed programme demeanor.